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How Your Pet is Helping You Overcome Anxiety

Feb 13, 2024

Written by: Joe Jardine

If you didn't know, here in the Jardine house – we're dog people. Do you have a pet? If you do, you know that pets are more than just animals that we keep in our homes - they are members of our family. And according to some recent studies, pets may also be able to help us overcome anxiety.


1) Pets provide companionship and help reduce loneliness

Pets provide companionship and help reduce loneliness. They are a great way to connect with nature and can be therapeutic for people who live alone. Pets also provide a sense of purpose, as they often need to be taken care of and fed on a regular basis. This can help reduce feelings of anxiety and isolation.


2) Pets can help you externalize your fears and anxieties

Pets can help you externalize your fears and anxieties. Pets provide companionship and help reduce loneliness. They are a great way to connect with nature and can be therapeutic for people who live alone. Pets also provide a sense of purpose, as they often need to be taken care of and fed on a regular basis. This can help reduce feelings of anxiety and isolation.

Pets provide an outlet for our emotions; we release tension by playing with them or petting them when we're feeling overwhelmed emotionally, such as after the death of a loved one or during divorce proceedings.


3) Pets are a great way to get exercise

The benefits of exercise are well known and documented. It is good for your physical health, mental health, and emotional wellbeing.

There has been a growing body of research looking at the effects that exercising with pets can have on us as well. We release tension by playing with them or petting them when we're feeling overwhelmed.

Pets provide us with companionship and reduce loneliness, which is why they make great additions to any home. They can also help us externalize our fears and anxieties in a healthy way, providing an outlet for emotions that we might not otherwise have. Finally, pets are a great way to get exercise without even realizing it – something that’s especially important as we get older. What kind of pet do you have? Let us know in the comments below!


Do you struggle with anxiety in ways you can no longer handle?

You can't keep track of the number of panic attacks you've had this week. You feel like you're drowning all the time and the only thing that can stop the feeling is sleep. So you try to sleep, but your racing thoughts keep you awake. And when you finally do fall into slumber, it doesn't take long before you're awake again and that drowning feeling returns. You're lucky if you have a minute of calm before the storm hits again.

Enroll to The 21-Day Break Through Anxiety Challenge Course